Humanising Separation

We are extremely pleased to announce that we are now in pre-production of a documentary series titled Humanising Separation. This series is being auspiced by Documentary Australia Foundation (DAF) and will take an in-depth look at family separation and why experts working within ‘the system’ are calling for change.  It uses a unique combination of design thinking and documentary story telling approaches to tackle this big issue with the aim of designing a process that is human centred. 

Documentary Australia Foundation is a unique not-for-profit that ensures important stories are told and seen, supported by powerful social impact campaigns.

We are delighted to be co-producing this important documentary with Jono Dutton of Big Picture Storytelling, Laura A’Bell of Blueberry Communications and Dr Melis Senova and Ben McEwing of Huddle.

The first phase of the project is focused on immersion and development, the establishment of an Expert Advisory Group and fundraising. We will shortly be seeking Foundational Partners to come on board with this important and exciting series.

If you are interested in being involved or providing support as a founding partner, we would love to hear from you. All investments are tax deductible due to our DRG status through DAF.