Our free worksheets are designed with you in mind, to help you face the difficult decisions you are having to make right now.

When Is It Time for a New Relationship? Worksheet

When is it time for a new relationship?

After separation or divorce, the mere thought of meeting someone new can bring about mixed emotions. From excitement about a new relationship, anticipation about who it might be and what joy they may add to your life, to feelings of uncertainty and trepidation. You may feel stressed about how best to navigate this new chapter….

What’s Your Money Personality? Worksheet

What’s your money personality?

Your approach to money matters a lot. This is what determines how healthy your bank account is and what you choose to spend money on. Tricia Peters, a financial planner, author and Director at MELCA, says, “Your attitudes to money make an enormous difference as to how much money is in your bank account.”…

How to Tell Your Spouse You Are Separating Worksheet

How to tell your spouse you are separating

Your spouse should be the first person you speak with about wanting to separate. Speaking to your spouse about this will be one of the most challenging conversations you will ever have in your life. However, it is best that you speak with them first to make sure they don’t hear it from someone else…

How to Tell the Kids: Looking After Your Kids Through a Divorce Worksheet

Looking after your kids through a divorce

Explain the separation/divorce to the children jointly in a simple straightforward way while being open and honest. Remember that they don’t need to know all the details. Reassure them that they are loved and explain how the separation will work for everyone in the family

Self-Care Through a Divorce Worksheet

Self-care through a divorce

When going through a divorce we often think about other people (especially our children), before ourselves but you can’t completely look after anyone else if you are not also looking after yourself. Think of the analogy that you cannot fill another cup if yours is not full.

Don’t delay your decision any longer. We are here to help you and your family move forward. Take action, take control and experience the MELCA difference.